Business Process ProceduresPreview in PDF

Create Raw (ROH) Material
A new raw material is needed.
1. Access the transaction using the following navigation option:
SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP ECC Menu Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Create (General) → Immediately
Transaction code MM01
2. On the initial screen, enter the following values and choose Enter.
Field Name Description User action and values Comment
Material <raw material number> Leave empty for internal number assignment or enter your own number
Industry sector F Manufacturing Food Choose from dropdown list.
Material type ROH Raw materials
3. On the Select View(s) dialog box Select:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Basic Data 1, Basic Data 2 required
Classification Required only required if you want to use batch management
Sales: Sales Org. Data 1, Sales Org. Data 2, General/Plant Data, Sales Text required
Purchasing, Purchase Order Text required
MRP1, MRP2, MRP3, MRP4 required
General Plant Data / Storage 1, Storage 2 required
Warehouse management optional
Accounting 1 and 2 required
Costing 1 and 2 required
4. Choose Enter.
5. On the Organizational Levels dialog box, enter the following values:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Plant Choose from dropdown list.
Stor. location Choose from dropdown list.
Sales Org. Choose from dropdown list.
Distr.Channel Choose from dropdown list.
Warehouse No. Choose from dropdown list.
6. Choose Enter.

Materials are first created in the primary procurement/production plant.
To view the material lists, run the transaction MM60 or use the menu path Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Other → Materials List.

Basic Data
1. On the Basic Data 1 tab, enter the following values and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Description <enter description>
Base Unit of Measure <enter Base Unit of measure>
Material Grp
Old material number <enter the legacy material number if known>
Gross weight <enter gross weight>
Weight unit <enter weight unit>
Net weight <enter net weight>
2. Choose Enter.
3. On the Basic data 2 tab, choose Enter.

(Required for materials subject to batch management)
1. On the Classification view tab, on the Classification screen, enter the following values and choose Enter.
Field Name Values FIFO Values Expiration Date
Class Type
2. Choose the Sales: sales org 1 tab or choose Goto next screen (F8).

Only assign one class depending how you want control the material master record.

Sales Data
1. On the Sales: sales org. 1 tab, enter the following values, and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Delivering plant enter the primary plant for outbound deliveries
Tax classification
2. On the Sales: sales org.2 tab, enter the following values, and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Acct assignment grp
Item category group
3. On the Sales: General/plant tab, enter the following values and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Availability check for Indiv.requirements
Trans. Grp choose the appropriate transportation group
LoadingGrp choose the appropriate loading group
Profit Center select profit center from baseline scope
4. On the Sales text tab, enter text that should appear on sales documents for this material.
5. Choose the Purchasing tab.

Purchasing Data
1. On the Purchasing tab, enter the following values and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Purchasing group <enter purchasing group> Similar to MRP controller
Source List <select if you want to use source list> Select if source list is a must
2. On the Purchase Order Text screen, enter text that should appear on purchasing documents for this material.
3. Choose the MRP1 tab (ENTER does not work when the cursor is in a text field).

MRP Data
1. On the MRP1 tab, enter the following values and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
MRP type Choose from dropdown list.
MRP controller <enter MRP controller> Similar to purchasing group
Lot size
2. On the MRP2 tab, enter the following values and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Procurement type F
Special procurement Scenario specific
Prod. Stor. Location <enter shop floor storage location> plant-specific
Storage loc. for EP <enter storage location for raw materials storage> plant-specific
Plnd delivery time <enter total procurement time from source (vendor or other plant)>
SchedMargin Key Choose from dropdown list.
Stock Determination group Choose from dropdown list.
Bulk Material <select if you want to control this material as bulk material>
3. Choose the MRP3 tab, and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Strategy Group
4. Choose the MRP4 tab, and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Selection method
Individual/coll. Determines how dependent requirements are controlled

General/Storage Data
1. Choose the Plant data/stor.1 tab. If your material is subject to batch management, choose Organizational levels. (If your material is not subject to batch management, you can skip to step 4).
2. On the Organizational levels screen delete any value in input field Plant and press Enter. The fields are on client level and not on plant level.
3. Enter the following values:
Field Name Description User action and values Comment
Batch Management Set indicator Only set if your material is subject to batch management
Period Ind. For SLED Period indicator for shelf life expiration date D (days) Only required if material is subject to batch management with the expiration date search strategy
Min. Rem. Shelf Life Minimum remaining shelf life Enter the minimum remaining shelf life Only required if material is subject to batch management with the expiration date search strategy
Total shelf life Enter the total shelf life Only required if material is subject to batch management with the expiration date search strategy
Storage Condition
4. Choose Enter.
5. Choose the Plant data/stor. 2 tab, and choose Enter.

Warehouse Data
1. Choose the Warehouse mgmt.1 tab, and choose Enter.

Accounting Data
1. On the Accounting 1 tab, make the following entries and choose Enter.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Price unit <enter quantity basis for standard price (see special instructions below)>
Price control
Standard price
Valuation Class
2. Choose the Accounting 2 tab, and choose Enter.

The "Price Unit" is the quantity basis for the standard price. For example, if the standard price is 50 PhP per 1000 units, enter 1000 in the Price Unit field and 50 in the Standard Price field.

Costing Data
For the SpecProcurem Costing field, if the standard cost should be copied from the same material in a different plant, and no value was entered in the Special Procurement field on MRP2, and then enter the appropriate value here.

1. On the Costing 1 tab, make the following entries and choose Enter.
Field Name Description User action and values Comment
With Qty Structure select the checkbox
Material origin select the checkbox
SpecProcurem Costing <optional (see special instructions above)>
2. On Costing 2 tab, choose Enter.
3. A Last data screen reached dialog box displays.
4. Choose Yes to save.
The raw material is created.