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Transfer Posting of a material to another material
This transaction is use to transfer contents (stock) of a material to another material with the same characteristics and with the same base unit of measure.
1. Access the transaction using the following navigation option:
SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI)
SAP menu Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → MIGO
Transaction code MIGO
2. In the MIGO screen, choose A08 Transfer Postingand R10 Other.
3. Make sure that the movement type at the rightmost part of the screen is TF tfr mat 309. If not, type 309 in the field, the press Enter.
4. In the General Tab Area, make the following entries:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Document Date Input is Required The date on which the original document was issued
Posting Date Input is Required The date on which is used when entering the document in Financial Accounting or Controlling
Material Slip Input is Required Here you can enter an external reference number. This information is stored in the document header
Doc. Header Text Input is Required Text contains explanations or notes which apply to the document as a whole, that is, not only for certain line items.
3 Collective Slip Print Active / Inactive
5. In the Transfer Posting Area, choose Transfer Posting Tab and make the following entries:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Material Value is required. Issuing Material
Plant Value is required. Issuing Plant
Stor. Loc. Value is required. Issuing Storage Location
Batch Value is required. Issuing Batch
Material Value is required. Receiving Material
Stor. Loc. Value is required. Receiving Storage Location
Batch Value is required. Receiving Batch

Unit of Entry Value is required. Quantity to be transferred
6. Tick check box.
7. Hit button.
8. A dialog box appears containing system messages. Confirm warning messages by clicking the Enter key on your keyboard. An error message will prevent you from posting the document.
9. Click Post icon or Post button to save the transaction.
  1. The Unrestricted stock (quantity) of the issuing material will be decreased and will be moved to the receiving material.
  2. A material document is created.
  3. Accounting documents are created.