Business Process ProceduresPreview in PDF

Creating a Reservation – Goods Issue for Cost Center
This activity is performed to create a reservation for GI for Cost Center.
1. Access the transaction using any of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Reservation → Create
Transaction code MB21
2. On the Create Reservation Initial Screen, make the following entries:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Base Date Current Date Specifies the date for which the goods movement is planned
Movement Type 201 – GI for Cost Center Enter the code of the required movement type or choose a movement type from the list of possible entries.
Plant Choose from the dropdown list Code of the plant that will receive or issue the goods.
Reservation If you enter the number of an already existing reservation, certain data from that document will appear as default values in the reservation that is to be created.
3. Press Enter key.
4. In the Create Reservation: New Items screen make the following entries:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Cost Center Cost Center
Goods Recipient Specifies the recipient for whom the material is destined to.
Material Choose from the dropdown list Code of the material that you want to reserve.
Quantity Numeric value Enter the quantity to be moved in any unit of measure for the material.
Sloc Choose from the dropdown list Storage location at which the material is stored.
Batch Choose from the dropdown list Batch or valuation type of the material that is to be ordered.
M Tick Box - Uncheck If you want to prevent a goods movement in respect of this reservation item, you must deselect the field.

If you want to allow a goods movement in respect of this reservation item, select the field.
5. Click the Enter key. The screen moves to Create Reservation: Details screen. Otherwise, click the choose icon.
6. In the Create Reservation: Details screen, make the following entries:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Requirement Date Date value Specifies the date on which the requested quantity of material is required.
Text Contains an explanatory text on the line item.
7. Click the Save icon to save the reservation.
Reservation for the material has been created.

Approving a Reservation
This activity is performed to approve a reservation.
1. Access the transaction using any of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Reservation → Change
Transaction code MB22
2. On the Change Reservation Initial Screen, make the following entries:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Reservation Enter the reservation number created in the preceding section to be approved.
3. Click on the icon to change the reservation.
4. Tick on the box for Goods Movement for Reservation Allowed indicator.
5. Click the Save icon.
Reservation for the material has been approved.

Changing a Reservation
This activity is performed to change or modify an existing reservation.
1. Access the transaction using any of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Reservation → Change
Transaction code MB22
2. On the Change Reservation Initial Screen, enter the Reservation number or press F4 to begin a search.
Field Name User action and values Comment
Reservation Enter the reservation number created in the preceding section to be approved.
3. Click on the icon to change the reservation.
4. In the Change Reservation: Initial screen, change any of the following entries as required:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Quantity Numeric value Enter the quantity to be moved in any unit of measure for the material.
Sloc Choose from the dropdown list Storage location at which the material is stored.
FIs Tick Box “Final Issue for this Reservation” The indicator is set automatically for a goods movement when the total reserved quantity has been withdrawn or delivered. In the case of a partial delivery, you can manually set the indicator if no further goods movements are expected in respect of the relevant reservation item.
D Tick Box “Item is Deleted”
Tick to specify that the item has already been deleted.
5. Choose to edit entries per item.
6. In the Change Reservation XXXX: Details XXXX screen, change any of the following entries as required:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Requirement Date
7. Choose icon to move to next item and change entries as required.
8. Choose icon to add new items.
9. Click the Save icon to save your changes.
Reservation for the material(s) has been changed.

Displaying a Reservation
This activity is performed to view / display an existing reservation.
1. Access the transaction using any of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Reservation → Display
Transaction code MB23
2. In the Display Reservation: Initial Screen, enter the Reservation number or press F4 to begin search.
3. Press Enter.
The Reservation is displayed.

Export the Reservations List
This activity is performed to export / print list of reservations.
1. Access the transaction using any of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Reservation → Display
Transaction code MB23
2. In the Display Reservation: Initial Screen, enter the Reservation number or press F4 to begin search.
3. Press Enter.
4. From the Display a Reservation screen, go to Environment → Reservation → For Account Assignment.
5. Export the resulting list to excel. Go to List → Export → Local File.
6. Choose Spreadsheet. Indicate the file name and the directory to which the file will be saved.
7. Click Generate icon to export the resulting file and distribute as necessary.
Reservation list is exported.

Generate List of Reservation Slips
1. Access the transaction using any of the following navigation options:
SAP ECC Menu SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Reservation → Reservation List
Transaction code MB25
2. In the Reservation List Inventory Management screen, make the following entries as necessary:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Requirement Date Date value
Goods Recipient
Cost Center
Open Reservations Tick or Un - tick as necessary.
Cancellable Reservations Tick or Un - tick as necessary.
Goods Movement Not Possible Tick or Un - tick as necessary.
3. Click Execute icon.
4. List of Reservations will be displayed in a grid.
A list of reservations is generated based on your selection parameters.
1. To transport the list to excel for further processing, go to Menu bar List → Export → Local File.
2. In the dialog box, choose Spreadsheet.
3. Press Enter.
4. Define the Directory to which the file will be saved.
5. Enter the File Name.
6. Choose Generate.
7. The list has been exported to excel.

Print Material Reservation Slips
1. Access the transaction using any of the following navigation options:
SAP ECC Menu -
Transaction code ZMM052
2. In the Material Reservation Slip Initial screen, make the following entries as necessary:
Field Name User action and values Comment
Requirement Date Date value
Movement Type Choose from the dropdown list
Cost Center Choose from the dropdown list
Goods Recipient
Created By
3. Click Execute icon.
4. List of Reservations will be displayed in a grid based on your selection parameters.
5. Tick the reservation number to be printed.
6. Click the Print icon to preview the material slip.
7. Set LOCL as output device.
8. Print the slip as necessary.
The reservation has been printed.